Marriage was instituted by God. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh". When God instituted marriage sin had not entered into the world; I cannot imagine how easy marriage must have been for Adam and Eve before their disobedience. Here they were, in the garden, walking as one not only with each other but with God, at least for a while. THAT is what I want for me, for my husband, and for our marriage, to be one {as God says we are} with each other and with God.
Below are links to my Godly Marriage series. These are my NOTES I took during Bible study at church and ladies Bible study of Godly marriage and being a Godly wife. The first set is from "The Excellent Wife" book and study guide our ladies Bible study was using, I highly recommend this book and the study guide that goes with it, you can find a link to purchase it from Amazon below; the second part is from our "How to Strive to Have a Godly Marriage" series at church.
Since these are my notes they are not written well, and I hope you make out what I took down. Mostly, I pray the Holy Spirit stirs in you to be the best you and best wife you can possibly be, through Christ.
Notes from "The Excellent Wife"
Who Can Find One
A Wife's Understanding of God
A Wife's Understanding of Sin
A Wife's Understanding of Relatonships
A Wife's Understanding of Marriage
Traits of the Excellent Wife
Ways God Helps Us Become More Like Christ
Achieving Oneness and Spiritual Growth
Notes from "How to Strive to Have a Godly Marriage
Pride, What Does it Do?
The Power of Submission
How to Humble Yourself
How to Build a Storm Proof Marriage
How to Treat a Wounded Spirit
How to Break Family Curses
Scorning and Mockery
How to Be a Blessing
The Godly Gift of Marriage, by Dr. Tony Evans
If you get the chance, hop on over to Amazon and pick up this amazing book by Martha Peace, there is also a work book; this book really opened my eyes to Godly submission, and was a lot of fun to study with my Pastor's wife and other ladies; makes an outstanding Ladies group study!
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