In a nut shell, I believe everything the Bible says; I believe ...
1. God spoke the universe and everything in it into existence
2. Man was made perfect, in the image of God
3. Man disobeyed God and fell, thus causing sin to come upon all men
4. The Bible is the written, spoken Word of God
5. In the Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Ghost and that each One are equal in divine perfection
6. Satan is a fallen angel and the archenemy of both God and man and is the unholy god of this world and that his destiny is the eternal lake of fire
7. Christ was born from a virgin and was born sinless, and that He remained sinless His entire life
8. In the deity of Jesus Christ
9. That the Holy Spirit is the divine Administrator for Jesus Christ in His churches
10. That the suffering and death of Jesus Christ was the final sin sacrifice for all men and is applied only to those who believe.
11. That Christ died and rose again three days later, walked the earth as witness testimony says, and now sits on the right hand throne of the Father, and that one day, all who believe will one day be raised as well
12. One day Christ will return to take His Bride, the church, home with Him
13. Salvation is for everyone, all you have to do is repent and believe
14.Those who trust Jesus as their Savior are eternally secure and cannot lose their salvation
15. Jesus established His church during His earthly ministry
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