Trying to live a holy life on your own is very difficult. For years upon years after I got saved I would read Proverbs 31, and say to myself, this is the woman I want to be, but I didn't have a clue how to even begin.
For the most part, I did things on 'my own'; daily reading, prayer, sacrificial church service; but something was still missing. I knew in my heart there is a difference in doing the above things, and being the woman of God, that woman who strives for holiness in her life and the life of her family.
In 2014, we moved 100 miles away from 'home' where we both grew up and from everyone (practically) and thing we'd had always known. While I was excited to be in a new place, a place I felt God lead us to, I was also feeling very alone, as I had no one up here; my husband had his sister and her family, but because of the distance between us, she and I had never really gotten to know each other.
We began looking for a new church home and after visiting a couple my husband chose, I submitted to the calling of the Holy Spirit and we visited the one He had been pulling me to for a few weeks; it wasn't long we joined that church. This was right where I needed to be, the Pastor's wife was all too happy to teach me how to be that Godly woman; we did Bible studies together on being a Godly wife, the Pastor even began a class at church that we attended also. I loved it! Finally, I was learning about who God created me to be!
Unfortunately, even for a Pastor and his family, life happens and they are no longer at our church; however, God has recently blessed us with a new Pastor, he and his wife are absolutely in creditable! During the few months without a Pastor I let my studies of how to be a Godly woman slip, there was so much going on at the church, at home ... they always say when you get too busy God is the first thing to go ...So, here I sit, I felt the Lord tugging on my heart to write this study about being a Titus 2 woman, He is showing me, again, who He created me to be, He is showing me what it is He wants me to do with the life He has given me.
I don't know about you, but depression slips into my life so easily, sometimes I don't even notice it until it's too late, and I know the past few months of all the drama going on at the church that is what has happened. I am so thankful that my Lord has kept me some-what grounded with this Bible study.
I know I covered verse 3 last week, but I just can’t help but feel the Lord tugging on me to include it again with verses 4 and 5, the three of them do go together. Verses 3, 4 and 5 of Titus 2 are THE verses most people refer to when they talk about being a Titus 2 woman. They are such beautiful verses, and something that should come natural to those of us who are a bit more mature and have life experience; but, then again, we are dealing with humans, and we do live in a world where this sort of application is not popular.
Titus 2, verses 3, 4 and 5 says, "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."
For me, these three verses sum up Proverbs 31.
Why, why is it so hard for us to strive to live holy? This is God's way, why would we want to live any other way? God doesn't withhold anything good from us. He is the one who blesses us; if we would just take the blinders off our eyes we would see living a life for God isn't hard if we are willing to submit to Him and obey Him. He never asks anything from us that He isn't willing to prepare us to do.
This world is dying; why, why do we want to live like it? Why is it so important to be 'popular' with people who disregard the Lord? Why do we want to disrespect ourselves and our bodies and the Lord with things of the world? Of course, living a holy life WON'T save you, only Jesus can do that, but living a life pleasing to our heavenly Father is a fruit of our salvation, so why would we willing choose to live a life of darkness?
Don't you want the world to know just by looking at you, by watching you {because they are} that you are a daughter of THE King? That you have something special? I do ... and it is past time, daughters of The King, that we stand up and act like it. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of all the filthiness of this world, of having it thrown in my face by every media outlet known; do you know why people who live in sin are all over the media and praised by the world? Because they take a stand and won't back down until they get their way, so why aren't we doing it? Why aren't Christian men and women saying enough already! And taking a stand? If we want a better place on this earth for ourselves and God-willing, future generations, we have to take a stand, we cannot continue sitting by singing, "I shall not be moved"!
Taking a stand starts in our homes, but we can't stop there!

It is our responsibility to teach these young wives to love their children. No one taught me how to love my children, in fact, when I got pregnant with our son, I was told that he was just another mouth for us to feed. I didn't get saved until after our daughter was a year old, of course I loved her, but no one taught me how to love her with Godly love. Because sin is our nature, I believe we are not born knowing how to be a momma; I had always heard it is our nature when I was growing up, but between my own experiences, and seeing how a lot of young mothers treat their babies, I stand on my belief that we are NOT born with the knowledge of how to be a mother.
God's Word tells us to teach the young women to love their children, and not only for their safety and wellbeing, but for our future, this is so very important, we have got to teach them that these children they are having are gifts from God and are to be loved and treated as such. The world doesn't care....the world is out for number one; that is why so many programs have had to be developed for young mothers and their poor little children, because my generation as a whole, was not taught...and as a whole, we are failing the next generation of mothers.
There is nothing wrong with being discreet or chaste, in fact the Bible tells us to do so several times. Oh how old it gets to hear a young lady open her mouth only to let filth flow from it because she isn't happy with something, and oooo, ooh my goodness, our children have gone completely nuts with sex before marriage, having babies out of wedlock, living together or playing house as I call it .. the spirit of lust is running rampant and the world does not care .. it embraces it.
We have to teach them what God's Word says, keeping our mouths shut doesn't mean we agree with something, it means we are mature and respectful enough to know when to speak and when not too. I believe if there wasn't so much adultery going around there wouldn't be such a need of above mentioned programs for young mommas and their babies ... ladies, we have failed. I know every young girl out there doesn’t have sex before marriage, and I am not shaming or judging the ones who have, I am barking at myself; our children were raised in church and were taught God's Word when they were young, but they still have free will, and yes, they do things that are not only displeasing to God but to me as well. I just think I could have done more, and I think as a whole, we, Christian women, can do more. We, I, can no longer use the excuse of not being taught when we, I, was younger.
I have been a stay-at-home mom for over 21 years, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. This is my Godly job {I just haven't done it as well as I think I could have}. I know a lot of women don't have a choice but to work outside the home, and my heart aches for them, it really does, because this is where we are supposed to be; keepers at home, obedient to our own husbands loving our children and our husbands.
I have said it so many times to my family, I'll say it here, it is my opinion, based on God's Word, women in the 60's were the strong front to changing things, changing the home, changing God's plan for the home, and everything has spiraled downhill since. Free love, birth control pills, abortion, moms working outside the home, children in day care...on and on to where we are now. Could my family have had more or better 'things' if I had worked outside the home? Probably. But they don't need 'things' they need their momma, and again, I truly am so very sorry for those mommas who don’t have a choice but to work outside the home, I feel like you are being cheated out of your Godly calling.
How can we help these young girls? It would be so much better to catch them before they start having sex and babies, but either way, with or without babies, we have to start teaching them what God's Word says and teaching them how to be the women God created them to be.
First and foremost we have to lead by example, regardless of where we are in life, it is ok to show them that yes, maybe I didn't make all the right choices, I didn't have someone to teach me, I don't want you to make some of the same choices I did, so I want to teach you what God's Word says about how to be a wife, a mother and about being discreet and chaste; how to be the best homemaker you can be; how to be a Godly woman, and live a holy life.
The Lord did not create men and women equally. We are different and have been given different jobs. The job of a wife, mother and keep of the home is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly, but should be loved and cherished. I know I've touched on a lot of topics in this post, and if I offended someone please forgive me, because that is not the purpose of this post. These are things I have felt passionate about for years and based on what I have read in God's Word feel to be truth.
Again, I am not judging anyone, or putting anyone down; we are all different, and have all had our own battles to overcome .... each of us could say, "walk a mile in my shoes..." I am just putting out there what the Lord has laid on my heart and what is dear to me.
Is there a little girl or young lady in your life that you can teach to be sober, and to love their husbands and children, to be discreet and chaste, and keepers at home, good and obedient to their own husbands? If not, your local Boys and Girls club probably has one you could mentor, or your church, or maybe that girl you see walking down the street with the headphones on.

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Hello sweet friend, found you from "Strangers & Pilgrims" link up! It was inspiring to hear you encourage older women to be a model and an encourager to young wives and new mothers like myself!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Casey for your sweet comment; and thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you
DeleteMentoring is definitely needed these days. I think God is raising women up for such a purpose. May we be obedient to the call. #TeachingWhatIsGood
ReplyDeleteAmen Kelly, thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly agree with you - yes,yes, yes! Depression can so easily slip into our lives (and also into our husbands'). I wish you'd live closer, as a young mother you'd be the mentor I am so looking and praying for.
Adding your blog to my reading list, thank you so much for sharing this.
Visiting from a link up party. Have a blessed Easter!
Thank you so much Bibi for your sweet comments and for adding Is It Monday Yet? to your reading list; I pray the Lord will send women into your life who live near you to help you and teach you His ways; God bless you, if you ever need to talk or if there is ever a way I can aid or help you, please feel free to send me an email using my 'contact me' tab above, God bless you
DeleteImplementing Christ's word in my home, and helping other women younger than me has always been placed on my heart. What I am looking for now is someone older than me to help mentor me to the next step as well!
ReplyDeleteBless you Sarah, praying the Lord to send you that special woman! Thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you
DeleteI, too, am an older woman seeking to lead younger women as instructed in Titus 2. Thank you for speaking out and standing up for truth. I attribute many of our family and societal problems today to feminism and moving away from God's plan for the family. There is SO much brokenness! I set out to start a Titus 2 group expecting to be leading women that stay at home with young families. God had another plan - haha! More than half the women that came were divorced and working. So, with much time on my knees, I carry on and help them the best I can and try to extend grace while instructing in truth. You encourage me with your words. Sometimes, it is so hard to speak truth in love and have people take it as such. There is the hurt and anger but the words in the Bible are often simple. Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your encouraging words, honestly, when I wrote this post it didn't come out like I had thought it would; once I got started the words wouldn't stop flowing, and you nailed it, our family and social problems today I believe too are because of the feminism movement and people moving away from God's family plan ... it's not supposed to be this difficult!
DeleteI will keep your Titus 2 group in prayer, bless you for helping these young women and their children, thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you
I'm your neighbor at Women With Intention Link-Up. Thank you for your words of wisdom and instilling in my heart the ways of God-to be intentional about teaching my children and to minister to younger women.
ReplyDeleteThank you Valerie for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you!
DeleteYour blog is beautiful! We do need to mentor young wives and ladies to seek God in his word for instructions for his design for biblical womanhood. I am blessed to have two daughters of my own. I pray daily that I will model and teach them true strength and beauty that flow from a woman who abides in Jesus. Thanks for the encouragement to carry that out diligently and lovingly!
ReplyDeleteAmy you are so very sweet, I lift you and your daughters up in prayer, may the Lord guide you as you teach them, thank you so much for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you!
DeleteMentoring has been a desperate need of mine at different seasons of my life- parenting, ministry, etc. Because of that, I have prioritized being available to those younger than me because I knew firsthand the value of it. Thanks for encouraging us to think of others and serve them with our hindsight and experience, flawed as it is at times.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you Gretchen, thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet?
DeleteHello! I stumbled upon your blog through The Boss Tribe on Facebook and I really enjoyed reading your post! You have a lot of wisdom to share with younger women like myself. I'm 24. And you're also an encouragement for older women. I wasn't offended at all by your post. I was truly blessed by what you shared. Thank you and God bless! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer, your comments mean a lot to me! God bless you and thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet?
DeleteI'm glad I did! Just wondering, have you heard of The Transformed Wife? The lady behind it is an author and blogger who bases her entire life on Titus 2:4-5 and talks very much on submission in a no nonsense manner. She's a very wise and Godly woman. The two of you would have a lot in common, I think. Here are her links if you want to check them out and add to your favorite blog links :)
Thank you Jennifer! I have bookmarked her links to look at later today! God bless you!
DeleteI LOVE MONDAY'S!!! Your neighbor at Crystal Storm.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? Susan, God bless you!
DeleteThis is truly beautiful! There was an old prophet in the US who did prophesy about these things!
ReplyDeleteThank you for adding your voice and speaking up for Godliness and Holiness.
God Bless
Thank you for your sweet comment Ifeoma, God bless you and thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet?
DeleteJennifer, such a lovely heart you have (and grace). I look back at my younger self and the expectations I had and perfectionist tendencies I tried to emulate and shake my head.
ReplyDeleteGod is so gracious and so are our children.
I've learned a lot from my boys and although there are things I'd like to change and forget, it is those very things that brought me to where I am today.
Zooming in via Blogger's Pitstop
Sara @SaraDuggan.Me
Rebecca thank you so very much for your sweet comment; like you I have a lot of things I'd love to forget, but, I believe God uses those times to mold and shape us! Thank you so much for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? And God bless you
DeleteI just found you, from a blog that was linked to another blog, linked to another!
ReplyDeleteI just spent an enjoyable hour reading your posts. It was so absolutely refreshing that you spoke what was so clearly laid on your heart & mind by the Holy Spirit.
It was very nice to know that not only did you talk about what was on your heart and mind, but you did so with the Biblical back-up!
I will continue to read your posts, going all the way back to the start.
I am very happy to know that you have the faith & the gumption to speak so plainly on the purpose of Godly Women.
I have always wanted to be a Titus 2 lady, I have never made it, but I continue to try. I hope that someday I may come close, and I will at least get some of it right.
Thank you for being such an inspiration, and to me, a God-sent voice in this world of such iniquity that is running so rampant!
My prayers are with you, and again, thank you!
Laurie, thank you so very much for your sweet comments and encouragement; God always knows what I need and when. I thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? May the Lord bless you. Thank you again. Praise the Lord, He is risen!
DeleteWe certainly need to lead by example, teaching kindness and humility. Thank you for sharing this post at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
ReplyDeleteThank you Marci, and thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you!
DeleteYes! We definitely need to be discipling one another to be true women of God. We often just expect people to come to biblical conclusions without any help and that just won't work.
ReplyDeleteAmen Kristin! Thank you so much for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you
DeleteHello, Jennifer. It's been a long time since I've participated in Spiritual Sundays. And even now I've come a day late. But nothing good is ever too late. This is a very heartfelt post, and I admire you for saying many things which need to be said today. I, too, am disgusted with the filth that is not only admired in this world, but rewarded heavily by the world in great financial sustenance. I think we need to, as you say, begin in our own home, even our own bodily "home" to encourage ourselves to see and send out beauty as much as we can, that it may encourage others. Those who seek it will find it, and in doing so, find God, who is the source of all beauty. Enjoy a beautiful week of high vibrations with the Lord.
Thank you so much Marianne for your sweet comments, I pray you have a blessed week as well, thank you for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you!
DeleteP.S. By the way, I like your blog back ground very much...so beautiful and lovely to look at. You see, even your background page brings good thoughts and serenity to the soul.
ReplyDelete:) thank you Marianne
DeleteI'm so glad that my eyes and ears are opened up to the Lord. i thank him for being so patient with me. Iam glad i'm noticed being in the Lord.. with love Janice
ReplyDeleteAmen Janice, Jesus loves you! My granddaughter and I were reading one of her books from school tonight; "Your skin, My Skin" as it talked about hair follicles and other parts of our skin I took opportunity to point out how important we are to our heavenly Father, He cares about us, even down to the smallest detail, like our hair follicles! How awesome is His creation that He made a way for our hair to grow and keep our skin and hair moisturized! Thanks so much for visiting Is It Monday, Yet? God bless you