Outside of Fridge

Outside of Fridge

I have been away from my computer for several days due to church and family obligations, so today, while I have a minute to breathe, I decided to get caught up on my decluttering! On this page you will see my fridge before and after and there are links for the other days I got caught up on at the bottom of this post

The front of my fridge before - sort of a mess, it looks more like an art gallery then a fridge!

Left side of my fridge; doesn't look much different then the front; lots of art work that few ever see ..

The right side of the fridge, it too looks like a make-shift art gallery.

The top wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. I did however forget that the paper cutter was up there.

All of the beautiful art work from the fridge; lots of sweet things my five year old has made.
We are in the process of redecorating a room to be a dining room, when we are done I am going to make part of one wall a place to display some of her art work.

My magnets.
Each one of these magnets in this bowl are special to me; I have more put away that were my sisnter-in-laws, but these are the ones I keep out.

A little peace of mind for me.
"In The Event of the Rapture"
It's just a note about our pets, and some other personal items and fun facts about our home; but it gives me peace of mind thinking if our pets are still here when the rapture occurs, maybe, by having some information about them, they will be more likely to be cared for!

There was a fridge under all that art work!

The sides of my fridge looking all neat and spiffy -note my 'in the event of the rapture' sheet and a couple of my favorite pictures are still there.

Top of the fridge all cleaned off. The paper cutter made it into the closet in the bedroom; the box of seeds out in the craft room and the pictures for the kitchen wall, in the 'junk cabinet'




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